
by SmartApps

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(4 ratings)

Badger is a Power BI solution that helps you analyzing your data the same day you install it.

Are you a fan of cool, visual, and insightful reports in Power BI but not so much into building data sets and coding in DAX?

Badger takes care of the boring parts, and you can focus on building the reports that you need and present them in a way that people understand and get excited about.

What does Badger do?

With Badger, you get past the issue of building data sets and coding in DAX. All the necessary links, measures, and dimensions for your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Data is already created. Badger also offers the possibility of getting started with artificial intelligence (AI). Making it possible to find patterns and insights that otherwise would be difficult to see. We have even built reports for you to download and get started with, just go to to find out if there already is a report available that fits your needs, or that you can use a base to rebuild.

How do I do?

Just install Badger, download the reports you want from our website, publish them to your Power BI account, and after connecting them to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central you will see your data come to life.

What about the costs?

Badger has a 30-day free trial and after that, the price is based on the number of licensed users in the tenant. Essential and Premium users are priced at 11 euros/month, and Team member users are free of charge. To calculate your price and read more about our pricing please go to

Supported editions
This app supports the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries

This app supports all countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported languages
This app is available in English (United States)

At a glance